Graffiti Remover

Graffiti Remover

Removes all types of graffiti from almost any surface

Removes all color or spray paint, permanent markers, links, and lipstick from almost any surface, including metal, concrete, glass, aluminum siding, and tile. Contains no less than 61% of bio-based materials and does not contain any petroleum distillates or petroleum by-products.

Main features:

  • Non-toxic
  • Biodegradable
  • Soy-based
  • User-friendly
  • Safe for the environment
  • No toxic fumes
  • No petroleum derivatives

PRONET COLOR Sp. z o.o. after testing GRAFFITI REMOVER states that, the above graffiti removal product does not aggressively affect the PERFECT PLUS base coat (PC 80).

Iowa State University states that Graffiti Remover contains no less than 61% bio-based materials.

Natural Soy Products declares that Graffiti Remover does not contain any petroleum distillates or petroleum by-products.


Graffiti Remover brochure

language: Polish

file type: .pdf


Graffiti Remover brochure

language: English

file type: .pdf